Author: Alanna

World Bratwurst Day

World Bratwurst Day

August 16th is World Bratwurst Day! Although we here at Eat A Wiener Today love our hot dogs today seems like the perfect day to switch it up and have a brat. How will you pay homage to the wiener’s closest relative?

Snapchat Dancing Hot Dog Filter

Snapchat Dancing Hot Dog Filter

Hands down this has got to be the best Snapchat Filter ever! How could this wiener not bring a smile to your face?

Chicago Style Hot Dog Salad

Chicago Style Hot Dog Salad

Who says eating a hot dog can’t be healthy. Check out this Chicago Style hot dog salad. Get the full recipe here.

Bacon Wrapped

Bacon Wrapped

Bacon wrapped hot dogs with cheese, yes, yes and yes please! Ingredients: 8 hot dogs 1/2 cup shredded cheese 16 slices bacon, pre-cooked 8 hot dog buns, toasted Directions: Slit hot dogs lengthwise fill with cheese, and bake until cheese is melted, place on a